District Location: Central
Waterway: Cedar Run, 4 waterfalls
Distance: From Skyline Drive, 1.8 miles (one way) to the upper falls (#1), 2.6 miles (one way) to the lower falls (#4)
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Cedar Run Falls #1

Cedar Run Falls #2

Cedar Run Falls #3

Cedar Run Falls #4

Cedar Run is an extraordinarily scenic mountain stream from top to bottom with many cascades and several waterfalls. I had a great time exploring it during high water levels, and I definitely have a newfound respect and admiration for this rugged wilderness canyon.

*Bob Sihler of Summit Post says it best:*
Steeper, more rugged, and quieter than its famous neighbor Whiteoak Canyon, the canyon cut by Cedar Run makes for a spectacular and strenuous journey through some of Shenandoah National Park’s most scenic areas. Far from being unknown or even seldom-visited, Cedar Run nevertheless offers a welcome, delightful escape from the crowds that flock to the canyon just over the ridge to the north. One can find cliffs and boulders here in abundance. Numerous short gorges accessible only by leaving the trail beckon.

A trio of 3 small falls found in Upper Cedar Run Canyon


Cascades and Waterfalls found along Cedar Run